Mechanical Equipment and spares
- Pipes (CS, SS, GI, PVC, PPRC, PPH) & Fittings
- Valves
- Pumps - Centrifugal, Reciprocating, Monoblock, Vertical, DG, Submersible, etc.
- Steel Wire
- Welding Electrodes
- Anchor / Foundation Bolts
- Nail
- Screw
- Nuts & Bolts
- Hand Drill Machine
- Blower
- Gauges
- Measuring Instruments
- Wire Rope
- Slings & D-Shackles
- Bearings
- Turn Buckle
- Bearings
- Chain & Sprocket
- Gear Box
- Compressor
- Air Separation Plant
- Hydro pneumatic System
- Vacuum Catalyst Machines
- Heat Exchangers
- Steam and Water Analysers
- Rolls: Bridle, Pinch, Deflector, Sink, Stabilizer
- Air Knife for Coating Control